Placed on the DL

16 Nov

Back in August, when I was on another one of my, I AM GOING TO GET SKINNY IN A WEEK rampages, I decided to do six Zumba classes in 5 days.  It had been the first time I was working out since I started working with my nutritionist in July.  I was hitting it hard.  One morning I woke up with a really bad pain in my lower back.  It is hard to describe, but if I leaned to one side, there was relief.  As the day progressed, it got worse and worse.  My mom called her Chiropractor, and he was able to see me right away.  According to him, it was my SI joint and my L7.  To me, this meant nothing.  Maestro Fresh Wes knows alllll about a SI joint, otherwise known as a sacroiliac.  The Doctor adjusted me, used laser treatment, and a TENS machine.  It didn’t help AT ALL.

I really did feel like I was letting my Backbone Slide.

The pain was excruciating.  The next day I got up and it was even worse.  I could hardly walk.  My mom came to take care of the kids, and bring me back to the Chiropractor.  I spent the next 4 days, between Chiro visits, icing my back and using a TENS machine and walking and stretching as much as I could.  I eventually opted for a strong pain-killer and muscle relaxer.  Between being baked from the medication and being in agony, I was quite the sight to see (and I am sure very pleasant to live with).  Finally after 2 weeks, the pain was completely gone.

As I have mentioned in the past, I have been giving this competition all I’ve got.  Twenty five classes in 28 days, plus Zumba and a few walks.  I realized a couple of weeks ago, that taking a day off was absolutely necessary.  Not only necessary for my physical well-being but my mental state.  I was becoming very tired.  So, for the last 2 weeks I have taken Sundays off.  This week-end, I planned to really rebel and take two whole days off.  My son is playing for the championship in football, and hubby and I are going away to celebrate 11 years of marriage.

Yesterday I woke up with a similar feeling in my back.  I am not going to lie…I FREAKED out.  I was less worried about the pain coming back, but more about not being able to compete in the Fit Life Challenge.  The last four weeks have changed my life.  I can’t stop now!!  I immediately went to the chiropractor, then to an Adrenaline class.  I went back to the Chiro in the afternoon.  I was literally up all night, worrying about how I will deal with this.  Worrying, likely for nothing.  I woke up this morning, and had a bit of quiet time to think.  I am not going to let ANYTHING get in the way of me winning this competition.

The Chiropractor told me I need to take it easy.  I more or less told him to pound salt.  I went to class tonight, briefly.  My back hurts, people.  It’s not brutal pain yet, but there’s something wrong.  Danielle, my trainer, knew right away that something was wrong, we chatted, and she sent me home.  She instructed me to stretch for at least a 1/2 hour.  As I was driving home, in tears, bummed out that I was breaking my streak, I realized…I don’t stretch nearly enough…and. I am not giving myself a break.  I am being incredibly hard on myself.

From past experience, I know that when I am hard on myself, I let it all crumble to shit.  I convince myself that changes aren’t happening fast enough for me and I blow it.  Don’t get me wrong, I am in a better place than I have ever been with health and fitness goals and routines.  The problem is, I need to listen to my body and shut off my mind sometimes.  I need to realize, that while this competition is only 2 months long, these changes are going to be permanent.  If I get down on myself because my body is telling me I NEED to rest, I am doing both my body and brain a disservice.  No more.  I need to look at how far I have come in such a short period of time.  Look at all the amazing people who have come into my life because of this Challenge, and how my relationships with the ones who have always been an important part of my like are flourishing.  I need to do this.  I am worth it.

8 Responses to “Placed on the DL”

  1. Ami November 16, 2012 at 12:56 am #

    You absolutely are worth it!! You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Enjoy your son’s football and your 11th anniversary celebration 🙂

  2. thehappydoula November 16, 2012 at 2:03 am #

    You are absolutely worth it! Remember to take time to rest and reflect on all the great work you have done and the changes you have made.

    • She Has Lost It November 16, 2012 at 3:51 pm #

      Ahhh, you ROCK, Kyrsten! Thank you so much!! Once you evict that fetus you can come to stroller fit! 😉

  3. mmackinnon11 November 16, 2012 at 2:44 am #

    Ang, as much as I love axfit classes, I find they dont include enough stretching too! Stretching is an important part of being fit – I learned along time ago that you need to stretch before working out to warm up your muscles and also afterwards (when your muscle are warm) to increase your flexibility. Lets try to remind each other to stretch more on Tuesdays! Keep it up girl!

    • She Has Lost It November 16, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

      Sounds like a plan!! D has always told me to stretch before and after, and I just don’t 😦 I NEED to so I can keep up this momentum!!


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