Tag Archives: Healthy Living

Here, There and Everywhere

25 Apr


When I titled this post I mainly had the intent of letting my readers know where they can catch my latest blog posts.

First of all, I was blogging over at Axfit about fashion: http://axfit.com/dear-gym-fashion-models/. The following day I shared my story about why I decided against weight loss surgery over at Sergeant Slim‘s: http://www.sergeantslim.com/1/post/2013/04/why-i-chose-to-not-have-weight-loss-surgery.html.

As I was about to hit ‘publish’ I looked over the title and realized that there is much more to me being here, there and everywhere than as a blogger. For the first time in awhile I feel slightly disheveled and like I am spiraling off track with something I have been working so hard for. My nutritional intake is most definitely not optimal, and I have been slacking with my workout routine. I find I am even catching myself making excuses. The excuses are what frightens me the most. I used to be the QUEEN of excuses! New position at work and sick kids are NOT an excuse! I have great support from family and friends and a home gym in my basement.

As I was writing this post I got a message from my trainer saying, “CALL ME”. She wanted to let me know that she needs to talk to me, we need to regroup. What in the HAIL? I have this crazy network of people who just KNOW when I need a boost.

I started this 88 Day Challenge and have pretty much shit the bed since it started. I admitted it on Facebook and I got this very sweet message:

Then yesterday, I happened upon this status.

Whether or not you are being spoken directly to, or seeing things in passing, the Universe speaks to you. Sometimes people, places and things around you are telling you it’s your time. Time to do something BIG.

Throughout the Fit Life Challenge, I blogged a lot. I found that doing this really helped to keep me on track. It wasn’t just the comments and encouragement from my readers that kept me going, it was the accountability I had by putting everything in writing. This is something I have let go.

So, here is my new plan of action!! I have 6 lovely ladies who started an 88 day challenge and are kicking ass. I am going to take my ‘mulligan’ and start my challenge tomorrow. This brings me to July 22. If, and only if I succeed in sticking with these goals, I will treat myself to seeing Daughtry that night. In case you haven’t heard, I like them just a little bit 😀 If I don’t succeed, I will give away my ticket!! If this isn’t motivation enough, I don’t know what is! 😉

daughtry vip

(Maybe if I kick ass my boyfriend will give me free VIP passes again??? )

Here are my goals:

  1. Blog for this site at least once a week. This includes updating you on the 6 ladies who have joined me in this challenge.
  2. Keep a detailed food log and post recipes to the blog.
  3. Be prepared each week with a plan for meals (including food prep) as well as a detailed plan for exercise and STICK TO IT.
  4. Have a goal setting meetings with my trainer  and nutritionist as well as bi-weekly follow ups (I will also detail these goals in a post).
  5. Kick ass and take names like I know I can.

If you want to join in the fun you can join at any time. It’s never too late to do something for YOU!

And We Have a WINNER!!

3 Jan

This post can also be read, here.

You may have heard of a little contest called The Fit Life Challenge?

On October 1st of this year, I was meeting up with my card club. (Note: We do not play cards) Earlier that day I had seen a Facebook post about this competition called the Fit Life Challenge. I had heard about this crazy Danielle Chevalier chick, and her following of fitness people. I was at a good place diet wise, and working with an amazing nutritionist. I told the ladies about this contest and how I was thinking about entering. THINKING was the key word. How serious I was about applying doesn’t really matter now, because that conversation literally changed my life.

Within an hour of being home that night I received a text from my friend, Ryan (who happens to be my friend’s husband). He informed me that he had written a letter to Axfit, nominating me, and had already received a reply. PARDON ME? What the WHAT? I hadn’t even told my husband, my mother or my BFF about it! So after that, plus an additional 30 or so nominations, including one from myself, there was no turning back.

A few days later I received an email asking me to meet at the Old Town Sweet Shop in Walkerville. Yes, a sweet shop. My first thought was that they were going to lock all of the applicants in and see who caves and eats a cupcake or 12, to determine who they were going to pick! I met with Danielle and CK and they told me I had been picked. I decided at that moment, I was going to win this competition, no matter what it took.

Over the course of 66 days, I pushed myself harder than I have ever in my life. I attended 55 Adrenaline classes (yes, fifty five), several Zumba classes, did home workouts and ate clean. I got frustrated, tired and angry but didn’t quit. I cried in my car after class more than once (and once in class) I had a small injury and I broke my ass.

Click to watch Angela break her ass

I grew happier and more confident than I have been in a very, VERY long time. I took part in four Fit Tests, increasing my scores, each and every time. I became part of this little family we called The Fit Life Crew. I feel like I have known Danielle, CK, Michele, Stacey and John forever.

I am also now officially an Adrenaline Junkie! I no longer feel like I am the Fit Life chick, but on a level playing field with the rest of the Junkies. Everyone is at a different level fitness wise, no one judges each other, but rather motivates and encourages. Plus, I think that the slower runners are happy to have me on race days so that I can do all the ‘punishment’ push-ups for coming in last place. 🙂

Over the course of nine weeks, I had so much support from family and friends–from my husband going into work early, so he could leave early in order for me to get to class on time, to my mom babysitting a ton; friends encouraging me through email, Facebook and Twitter, and even coming out to classes with me! (Check out their report cards, here) I can’t thank everyone enough for the support and encouragement from start to finish!

On December 22, it was finally time to reveal the winner of the Challenge at the Adrenaline Christmas Bash. I brought a bunch of family and friends with me to celebrate. I wore a dress, with heels, for the first time since June 4th, 2004. I was excited. It didn’t matter who was announced the winner, I was feeling fantastic. As a group we all agreed that no matter what the outcome was, we were all winners. The four of us all did fantastic!

Fit Life Crew Before and After

We knew from the start however, that there was only one winner. After a few days of online voting, the decision was made. I WON! I was absolutely thrilled and honoured. I was incredibly excited, and still am. (I was equally as excited to win ‘Most Improved Adrenaline Junkie’ chosen by members of Axfit!)

When I walked out of the Old Town Sweet Shop that night in October, I told myself I was going to win, and I did. I won a two year Axfit Membership (and a bunch of other cool stuff from the Running Factory)! There’s no excuse for me not reaching my goals now. The Fit Life Challenge was truly just the beginning of my journey to health and fitness, as well as a long life of happiness. I feel no different in a class now, than I did two weeks ago. At some point it became less about being a competition, and more about being my personal best. I look forward to each day as a healthier and happier person, and not having it be a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning and doing things with my children that I didn’t have the energy for before. I look forward to LIVING!

Fit Life Before-After

How I plan to stay PERFECTLY on track during the holidays.

24 Dec

I don’t. It’s that simple. The holidays are here and I plan to celebrate with family and friends. Let’s face it. Food and drink are part of making the holidays bright, right? Trying to be perfect, all the time not only sucks, but isn’t realistic. Life happens. No one is perfect, and everyone deserves to treat themselves.

In years past, now would be the time I would have to start planning the start date of my New Year’s Resolution (which never started January 1st), which was always the same; diet, exercise and finally lose weight. I would then take the holidays as a time to have my last hurrah, so to speak, for the umpteenth time.  No more.  I have put great thought into my plan of attack. I am now sporting a pair of jeans that I was unable to cram my ass into for 8 years. I don’t plan on blowing the button off those suckers because a (dozen) peanut butter ball(s) were irresistible. So, the next week or so is going to go something like this…

Do you want to read the rest of this post about my Holiday plans to stay healthy and happy?  I have the honour of being invited to be an Axfit MOSU, and am now writing over on the Adrenaline Extreme Fitness Blog too!! Here is the link: http://axfit.com/how-i-plan-to-stay-perfectly-on-track-during-the-holidays/


The End is Near – Have You Voted?

20 Dec

How do you plan to spend the last day of the Earth’s existence? I think you should spend it checking out the last couple episodes and articles of the Fit Life Challenge! Yes, the Challenge is over on Saturday. Just one day after the world ends, Danielle and C.K. of Adrenaline Extreme Fitness will crown the first winner of their Fit Life Challenge!

I personally can’t believe it’s only been 9 weeks since we all met. Time has most certainly flown, and these 3 people (in case you forgot, Steve bailed) who were once my competitors, have become so much more. Together with Danielle, C.K. and the rest of the Adrenaline Junkies, I have been pushed to work harder than I have ever worked in my life. I have also learned to push myself, and not give up! It’s so amazing to have such support from my new family. There is no losing in this competition. I have already won.

Here is a little recap from about a week ago! PEOPLE!! This is VIDEO PROOF that I can now do a burpee!! While they still may not be pretty, they are real!!

All four of us are feeling fantastic. Each of us have not only changed appearance, we are also stronger physically and mentally!

Last week-end we had our final Fit Test. I had been really sick the day before, so I was a bit worried about how I would do. Check it out!! (Hint: I didn’t blow it!)

So…now that it’s almost the end, what does this mean? It means that VOTING IS OPEN!!! Please take a minute to vote!!


I’ll tell YOU what Feels Like Tonight

5 Dec


For the 3rd time this year, tonight, I am going to see Daughtry. Boom. These tickets were a lovely Thank You gift from my friend, Gillian for being part of her birth team. I was there to take pictures of her home birth this past July. Yes, People, I took pictures while my friend pushed a baby out of her vagina. I also did a few Doula things and boiled the water for the Midwife. (Not completely joking)

I’m not going to lie, I have not always been the ultimate Daughtry fan. I thought that Chris Daughtry was cute hot (guy liner and all) and had an amazing voice, when he was on The Idol (as my mother calls it). Plus, Dude had this amazing story where he was the Knight-in-Shining-Armour to a single mom and her babies. Swoon. That season was somewhat lost on me however, (and it has gone downhill ever since) because of the debacle that was Taylor Hicks. Come on, America…do you really think you got it right in Season 5? If you’re agreeing with David Hasslehoff, then clearly we have a problem.

In April of 2010 I saw my first Daughtry show (with Lifehouse and Cavo). It was awesome, I was hooked. Plus, my friend Alicia and I, were both pregnant and sported these awesome shirts. We even had random strangers taking pictures of us!


In March of this year, my hubby and I went on a little getaway to Toronto to see Daughtry. Mike Sanchez opened, and then Safety Suit. Both of these warm up acts were phenomenal. After the show we went to the Firkin on Yonge to meet up with a friend. HOLY SHIT! What did my eyes see? Josh Paul, Robin Diaz, Josh Steely, and some of the dudes from Safety Suit. SO COOL! We were able to chat with Robin and JP for a bit. Seriously? Nicest guys EVER. I didn’t have the balls to ask where Mr. D himself was, however  Twitter later told me that he was under the weather (And still put on a great show!!)


Robin showing Mike some love (notice the hand holding?)


Me looking a little cock-eyed, whatevs.


Josh Paul and I. J.P., my fave, has since left Daughtry to embark on a new journey 😦 I will miss him but wish him the best!

Check out JP’s latest project! A Very JP Christmas

Over the last few years, and 3 albums, my love for Daughtry has grown. Like, WHOA. I am nowhere near even contemplating following the band around from city to city and spending 100s of dollars for a quick meet and greet every.fricken.show., like the groupie-esque ladies that I have seen on Twitter. (As fun as it was/is, I need to be responsible and I have THREE children and a husband who I would prefer to spend the rest of my life married to.) I not only love their music, but the incredible appreciation they have for their fans. Their music ROCKS. Chris’ voice is incredible. All six guys on that stage are unbelievably talented. The addition of Elvio Fernandes is definitely a plus! Every member of the band, is so unbelievably gracious when they take the stage. As a fan it’s not hard to actually feel appreciated during a show. Also? The respect they have for their wives and children is refreshing. (Dear Crazy Groupies: They are married! 🙂 )

In August, I took my 62-year-old mother to a Daughtry show. She has loved Chris Daughtry since ‘The Idol”. I was thrilled to have 3rd row seats at Caesar’s Windsor. To add to the excitement, through Daughtry Official, via The Tweet (as my mother calls it) I won 2 VIP passes to meet the band. Note: When you get old, you add THE in front of almost anything.  We all lined up and waited. They brought us down some stairs into I-have-no-clue-where at the Casino.  First, Sean (Solid muscle security for Daughtry) told us the rules:

  1. Once the band is brought in, you will shake their hands and stand for a quick picture.
  2. If you brought the band any gifts, Sean needs to inspect them. Translation? If your brought cookies and M&Ms for Mike Sanchez? Sean probably ate the shit out of them.
  3. You are not to kiss the band. They are all married men (Seeeee, I told you they have mad respect for their families)
  4. Sean is not sure what the appeal is, but we need to refrain from rubbing bald heads.
  5. Please, do not talk about dead people. (Apparently, some people go in nd tell the band how a certain song reminds them of a loved one who passed. This is a downer for everyone)

Have I ever told you I don’t follow rules very well? Chris couldn’t hide from me anymore. Eff handshakes! He was getting a hug from this chubby girl from Windsor, Ontario Canada, whether he liked it or not. I sweat profusely in the hall waiting for the band to be brought in. I heard Chris talking behind the curtain, and I suddenly reverted to my 15-year-old self and almost started to cry. Shut it. Sean brought my mom and I into the room and I am not sure what came over me. I saw Chris Daughtry, standing in front of me (taller than I expected) all muscles and smiles. I started jumping up and down like Ed Freaking Grimley.

The look of shock on all five of their faces was priceless. That look quickly changed to fear when I went in for the hugs. Then they laughed. I MADE THEM LAUGH! It was awesome!

Ladies, Chris Daughtry is just as hot in person and smells AMAZING!
PS: WHERE IS ELVIO?? @elviofernandes

The Tweet is an amazing form of social media. Whether it is connecting with peers, or connecting with your favourite artists/celebrities, it makes you feel connected. While Chris Daughtry has yet to Tweet me (Ahem,Chris? JP, Robin AND Brian all have) it’s nice to get a small glimpse into their lives. The love that Chris has for his wife is amazing. They Tweet the cutest things to each other. It’s nice to see that celebrity has not had an effect on their relationship.

Being at the place where I am now, in the Fit Life Challenge, Chris (and his wife Deanna‘s) passion for health, wellness and fitness is amazing. I am incredibly inspired by them. Their venture to inspire others to live a healthy life is incredible. The song Renegade has somewhat become an anthem for my own personal journey. I now know the exact spot on my car ride to the gym, where I can turn the song on, FULL BLAST, and have it end right when I get there. I look so freaking cool in my mini-van Loser Cruiser, with the base thumpin’ (Thanks JP!) and me singing at the top of my lungs. (Talk about a Mad Mom in a Mini Van!) It gets me pumped! People want to be me, I know it 🙂 If I get a weird look, I just sing louder. It’s my time to get healthy. I’m kickin’ ass and taking names, and having this kind of inspiration keeps me going!

So, Chris, Steely, Robin, Brian, Elvio and Andy, Alicia and I shall see you this evening. Perhaps we

I Challenge You

30 Nov

The last month has been such a challenge for me. Not only with the Fit Life Challenge, but completing a solid month, 30 straight days of blog posts for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month).

You can check out the latest Fit Life Challenge episode, here. I know I have already updated you with my own progress, however, have a look at how amazing my competitors friends are doing too!

Now, I have a challenge for you. Tomorrow, while all the kids are opening their advent calendars, how about you start one of your own. Just because it is the Holiday season, doesn’t mean we can’t still focus on health and fitness goals, right? Adrenaline Extreme Fitness has come up with their own advent calendar…and it will lead you right into the New Year! (Right about the time where you will be starting those resolutions! Perfect!)


Print this out, put it on your fridge or somewhere you’ll see it and DO IT!!

So…are you going to join me?

Guest Report Cards

27 Nov

A few weeks back, I was out with the Bitches Be Trippin Card Club. This group consists of my friends: Gillian, Trisha, Heather, Lauren, Alicia and most recently added to the BBTCC is my BFF Kelly. At our last card club, on October 29th we all agreed that it would be a great idea for the ladies to come out to an Adrenaline class with me. The best part about this, is that they had all had an alcoholic beverage or two when they agreed. Since I have been on an alcohol ban since October 19th, (and had been on a cleanse before that), I sat with my water and became EXTREMELY excited when they agreed to come. Suckers!!

I have had so much support since this whole things started! From the 30+ nominations from friends and family, to emails and messages from strangers, it’s really overwhelming. Last night a girl I hadn’t been introduced to yet, hugged me and told me she loved me and she watches all our episodes. It’s crazy! (One of my FAVE Adrenaline Junkies, Vic also told Michele and I, that would have beach bodies by summer…HAHAHAHAHA That guy is awesome)

The BBTCC was there the night I toyed with the idea of applying for this Challenge. My good friend Ryan, (who happens to be Alicia’s husband) sent in my very first nomination, before I had even told my husband, mother or BFF the plans. This guy? ROCKS. He has been one of my biggest cheerleaders since day one.

As the weeks passed, no one bailed on the upcoming Adrenaline class. The Bitches were all eagerly awaiting the night to come. Crazy Bitches. The one thing I forgot to tell them was the time it started 😦 So, three of my hard-working mom friends tried their very best, but in the end it was not possible for them to make it on time :(. Gillian was unable to make it, because her children were acting the fool all day. She however, has been coming to classes with me since last week! She is KILLIN it! Amie, who has done Adrenaline in the past, started coming with me again on Tuesdays. My good friend Linda, who recently had surgery and was just cleared to workout, came with me to class on Saturday. She rocked it! It looks like I am creating quite the inner circle of Adrenaline Junkies!

So, it was Kelly, Alica and I ready to represent for the BBTCC. Then, I told my brother and his fiance that they were coming. No options. My friend Neviana came out too…after already doing The Climb class that morning (I wish we could rename that class. Every time I hear the name I think of Miley Freakin’ Cyrus and her obnoxious voice). See what great friends and family I have??

So now, here are my evaluations for the ‘New Guy’ and ‘New Girls’:

Kevin (my ‘little’ brother): You were killin’ it out there! I thought at one point you were going to die from the look on your face. For a guy that has lost over 100lbs (YAY KEVIN) and been hitting the gym hard, you sure looked like you were in shock. I warned you!lol Next week, bring some water, and maybe wear some pants that you don’t have to hold up while running.

Jen : You said you wanted to lose a dress size before your wedding? Well, you already look fab, however goals are goals. Danielle will definitely be the one to kick your ass! Keep coming out to class and bring water.

Kelly: We have done bootcamp together before, clearly Danielle’s is WAY different. I am so happy you came out! You must have said ‘I can’t do that’ at least 5 times, and every time you got moving and tried the drill and succeeded! You did awesome! Don’t you agree that Adrenaline classes are a good way to get out some frustration? 😉

Alicia: The girl who hates to sweat! You were amazing! Doing burpees like a mother truckin’ BOSS! Those sweatpants are good for something else besides sleeping! I LOVE that you ‘get’ why people keep going back! Maybe we will see @mrshiggison out again??

Thank you so much to all of you for coming out and seeing what I have been up to! I hope you come back for sure. It was so much fun having some members of TEAM ANGELA there!! To the rest of the Bitches that couldn’t make it out…how about we find a class that you can make it to?? Hmmm??

So, to the rest of my friends and family…who’s next? First class is free, won’t you try it with me?

Why Berserker You Ask?

20 Nov

People are wondering WHY I named this blog Berserker.  According to www.merriam-webster.com:

Definition of BERSERK

1: an ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
2: one whose actions are recklessly defiant

Variants of BERSERK

ber·serk or ber·serk·er

While I wouldn’t say I am defiant, I would say that over the past month I have become somewhat of a warrior in frenzied battle.  I am on a mission like never before, and I will won’t stop until I reach my goal  EVER!

What is really funny about the whole thing, is that while the name of the blog is now fitting, it was not the original reason I chose the name.  I am quite the fan of Kevin Smith movies, low-budget Clerks in particular.  My favourite scene in the entire movie surrounds a song called, Berkerker.  I personally find it wildly hilarious.  (This clip is NSFW)

It’s funny how being an ass and chosing a name based on Jay and Silent Bob turned into something completely fitting!

Disclaimer: If you happen to hear a story about a girl in Windsor, Ontario, in a cab, singing Berserker to the driver 10 or so years ago? It was not me…

I Have an Announcement

16 Nov

One month ago, to the day, I joined this crazy adventure called the Fit Life Challenge.  I thought I knew what I was getting into but I seriously had no clue.  I thought I would start out slowly, doing two classes a week, gradually kick it up to three classes.  I expected to keep working with my nutritionist.  I expected to lose some weight, but I think in the back of my mind, I was still very comfortable going through with the process of gastric bypass surgery.  Wow, has my world changed…in only 30 days.

I am so unbelievably grateful for this opportunity.  Most days I can’t believe it has only been a month.  I am so unbelievably thankful to Danielle and CK for putting in so much time with the Challenge.  The funny thing about it?  I have never once felt like they are doing this for any reason than the fact that they actually care about changing lives.

On October 16th, 2012.  THIS is what I looked like:

I realize that most of you have seen this picture before.  I really want you to focus on my face.  I was scared shitless and VERY uncomfortable posing for a picture.

Now, here is a picture from 3 weeks later:

A friend said to me, “Look at the confidence in that face!!”  It is SO true.  Danielle asked us one night to tell her, in one word, how this Challenge is having an impact on our lives.  Seriously?  Impossible.  I have not only lost weight and inches, but I am stronger.  Physically and mentally.  I have WAY more confidence than I have had in a very long time.  I have more energy to function on a day-to-day basis.  I am happier.  OMG, I am happier than I have ever been.  I am happier in my marriage than I ever have been, because I am happier with myself.  I am busy, a lot…without being drained.  I feel like I am living a whole new life.  I am more confident being a mother to my children, because I am setting this amazing, healthy example for them.  I feel…alive.

I feel that I am ready to say goodbye to the Bariatric Program, and continue working toward my goals in the way, that I am personally comfortable, and that is best suited for me, my life, and my family.  I think this surgery is an amazing tool and genuinely necessary for some, however I think it is time for me to allow someone else who needs it more than I do at this point in my life, to take my place.

Oh, and?  This morning?  I DID SOME MOTHER EFFING BURPEES!!! (10 to be exact!)  They weren’t pretty by any means, but I wasn’t crawling on the floor.  (Thank you Stacey for pushing me!)  I seriously cried when I got in my car afterward, but this time not for frustration, but being unbelievably happy.  I look forward to so many more HAPPY tears!!

Placed on the DL

16 Nov

Back in August, when I was on another one of my, I AM GOING TO GET SKINNY IN A WEEK rampages, I decided to do six Zumba classes in 5 days.  It had been the first time I was working out since I started working with my nutritionist in July.  I was hitting it hard.  One morning I woke up with a really bad pain in my lower back.  It is hard to describe, but if I leaned to one side, there was relief.  As the day progressed, it got worse and worse.  My mom called her Chiropractor, and he was able to see me right away.  According to him, it was my SI joint and my L7.  To me, this meant nothing.  Maestro Fresh Wes knows alllll about a SI joint, otherwise known as a sacroiliac.  The Doctor adjusted me, used laser treatment, and a TENS machine.  It didn’t help AT ALL.

I really did feel like I was letting my Backbone Slide.

The pain was excruciating.  The next day I got up and it was even worse.  I could hardly walk.  My mom came to take care of the kids, and bring me back to the Chiropractor.  I spent the next 4 days, between Chiro visits, icing my back and using a TENS machine and walking and stretching as much as I could.  I eventually opted for a strong pain-killer and muscle relaxer.  Between being baked from the medication and being in agony, I was quite the sight to see (and I am sure very pleasant to live with).  Finally after 2 weeks, the pain was completely gone.

As I have mentioned in the past, I have been giving this competition all I’ve got.  Twenty five classes in 28 days, plus Zumba and a few walks.  I realized a couple of weeks ago, that taking a day off was absolutely necessary.  Not only necessary for my physical well-being but my mental state.  I was becoming very tired.  So, for the last 2 weeks I have taken Sundays off.  This week-end, I planned to really rebel and take two whole days off.  My son is playing for the championship in football, and hubby and I are going away to celebrate 11 years of marriage.

Yesterday I woke up with a similar feeling in my back.  I am not going to lie…I FREAKED out.  I was less worried about the pain coming back, but more about not being able to compete in the Fit Life Challenge.  The last four weeks have changed my life.  I can’t stop now!!  I immediately went to the chiropractor, then to an Adrenaline class.  I went back to the Chiro in the afternoon.  I was literally up all night, worrying about how I will deal with this.  Worrying, likely for nothing.  I woke up this morning, and had a bit of quiet time to think.  I am not going to let ANYTHING get in the way of me winning this competition.

The Chiropractor told me I need to take it easy.  I more or less told him to pound salt.  I went to class tonight, briefly.  My back hurts, people.  It’s not brutal pain yet, but there’s something wrong.  Danielle, my trainer, knew right away that something was wrong, we chatted, and she sent me home.  She instructed me to stretch for at least a 1/2 hour.  As I was driving home, in tears, bummed out that I was breaking my streak, I realized…I don’t stretch nearly enough…and. I am not giving myself a break.  I am being incredibly hard on myself.

From past experience, I know that when I am hard on myself, I let it all crumble to shit.  I convince myself that changes aren’t happening fast enough for me and I blow it.  Don’t get me wrong, I am in a better place than I have ever been with health and fitness goals and routines.  The problem is, I need to listen to my body and shut off my mind sometimes.  I need to realize, that while this competition is only 2 months long, these changes are going to be permanent.  If I get down on myself because my body is telling me I NEED to rest, I am doing both my body and brain a disservice.  No more.  I need to look at how far I have come in such a short period of time.  Look at all the amazing people who have come into my life because of this Challenge, and how my relationships with the ones who have always been an important part of my like are flourishing.  I need to do this.  I am worth it.