And We Have a WINNER!!

3 Jan

This post can also be read, here.

You may have heard of a little contest called The Fit Life Challenge?

On October 1st of this year, I was meeting up with my card club. (Note: We do not play cards) Earlier that day I had seen a Facebook post about this competition called the Fit Life Challenge. I had heard about this crazy Danielle Chevalier chick, and her following of fitness people. I was at a good place diet wise, and working with an amazing nutritionist. I told the ladies about this contest and how I was thinking about entering. THINKING was the key word. How serious I was about applying doesn’t really matter now, because that conversation literally changed my life.

Within an hour of being home that night I received a text from my friend, Ryan (who happens to be my friend’s husband). He informed me that he had written a letter to Axfit, nominating me, and had already received a reply. PARDON ME? What the WHAT? I hadn’t even told my husband, my mother or my BFF about it! So after that, plus an additional 30 or so nominations, including one from myself, there was no turning back.

A few days later I received an email asking me to meet at the Old Town Sweet Shop in Walkerville. Yes, a sweet shop. My first thought was that they were going to lock all of the applicants in and see who caves and eats a cupcake or 12, to determine who they were going to pick! I met with Danielle and CK and they told me I had been picked. I decided at that moment, I was going to win this competition, no matter what it took.

Over the course of 66 days, I pushed myself harder than I have ever in my life. I attended 55 Adrenaline classes (yes, fifty five), several Zumba classes, did home workouts and ate clean. I got frustrated, tired and angry but didn’t quit. I cried in my car after class more than once (and once in class) I had a small injury and I broke my ass.

Click to watch Angela break her ass

I grew happier and more confident than I have been in a very, VERY long time. I took part in four Fit Tests, increasing my scores, each and every time. I became part of this little family we called The Fit Life Crew. I feel like I have known Danielle, CK, Michele, Stacey and John forever.

I am also now officially an Adrenaline Junkie! I no longer feel like I am the Fit Life chick, but on a level playing field with the rest of the Junkies. Everyone is at a different level fitness wise, no one judges each other, but rather motivates and encourages. Plus, I think that the slower runners are happy to have me on race days so that I can do all the ‘punishment’ push-ups for coming in last place. 🙂

Over the course of nine weeks, I had so much support from family and friends–from my husband going into work early, so he could leave early in order for me to get to class on time, to my mom babysitting a ton; friends encouraging me through email, Facebook and Twitter, and even coming out to classes with me! (Check out their report cards, here) I can’t thank everyone enough for the support and encouragement from start to finish!

On December 22, it was finally time to reveal the winner of the Challenge at the Adrenaline Christmas Bash. I brought a bunch of family and friends with me to celebrate. I wore a dress, with heels, for the first time since June 4th, 2004. I was excited. It didn’t matter who was announced the winner, I was feeling fantastic. As a group we all agreed that no matter what the outcome was, we were all winners. The four of us all did fantastic!

Fit Life Crew Before and After

We knew from the start however, that there was only one winner. After a few days of online voting, the decision was made. I WON! I was absolutely thrilled and honoured. I was incredibly excited, and still am. (I was equally as excited to win ‘Most Improved Adrenaline Junkie’ chosen by members of Axfit!)

When I walked out of the Old Town Sweet Shop that night in October, I told myself I was going to win, and I did. I won a two year Axfit Membership (and a bunch of other cool stuff from the Running Factory)! There’s no excuse for me not reaching my goals now. The Fit Life Challenge was truly just the beginning of my journey to health and fitness, as well as a long life of happiness. I feel no different in a class now, than I did two weeks ago. At some point it became less about being a competition, and more about being my personal best. I look forward to each day as a healthier and happier person, and not having it be a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning and doing things with my children that I didn’t have the energy for before. I look forward to LIVING!

Fit Life Before-After

One Response to “And We Have a WINNER!!”


  1. Why I Chose Not to Have Weight Loss Surgery - AXFIT.COM - April 4, 2013

    […] involved in the Fit Life Challenge. A two month, lifestyle change competition that I went on to win. I decided that if the staff at this clinic did not have my best interest in mind, with the lack of […]

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